Fires in your home or building

If there is a fire in your home or building, follow the guidance on what you should do for the type of home and building you live in. Never try to put out the fire yourself or use a lift.

If you would need help to get to a safe place

If you or a member of your household would need help to get to a safe place, call 0191 525 5000 and select option 4 to let us know.

Flats connected to our Concierge Service

Our Concierge Service will contact you when the fire alarm goes off in your flat.

If there is no fire, they will cancel the alarm. If there is a fire or no response from your flat after 90 seconds, they will call the fire and rescue service.

Fires in your home

If there is a fire in your home, evacuate your home and building immediately.

Fires in your building

Flats in purpose-built buildings that have a communal building entrance or communal staircase

If you consider it to be safe, you can stay in your flat and wait for instructions from the fire and rescue service.

If you do not consider it to be safe, evacuate your home and building as soon as possible.

This type of flat includes those in:

  • sheltered housing and extra care schemes
  • high-rise buildings at least 18 metres or 7 storeys tall
  • low-rise buildings less than 18 metres or 7 storeys tall, including 2-storey flats or maisonettes

Flats in converted buildings

If there is a fire in your building, evacuate your home and building when you hear the fire alarm, or the fire and rescue service tells you to.

Evacuating your home and building

You must:

  • get out of your home
  • close all doors
  • use the nearest exit to get to a safe place
  • dial 999, explain what has happened, where you are, and your building’s address
  • stay in the safe place until someone lets you know it is fine to go back inside

If the fire is in a communal area that you are in:

  • use the nearest exit to get to a safe place
  • dial 999, explain what has happened, where you are, and your building’s address

Fire risk assessments

We complete fire risk assessments in our 25 high-rise buildings every year or after any major changes.

We also complete regular assessments in all our other communal buildings, including:

  • low-rise buildings
  • sheltered housing schemes
  • extra care schemes
  • buildings converted into flats

Other fire safety checks

We also check essential firefighting equipment in our 25 high-rise buildings every month. This includes:

  • automatic doors that are linked to the fire alarm
  • dry risers
  • fire detection and alarm systems
  • lifts
  • smoke control systems
  • sprinkler systems where fitted

Records of these checks are available to customers and residents. If you would like to request a copy, contact Laura Smith, Strategic Fire Safety Manager. To contact Laura, you can:

For more information

For more information about what to do if there is a fire in your home or building, or how we manage fire safety in your building, email