Scrutiny Group
The Scrutiny Group helps us to improve our services. The feedback helps us make sure what we do always helps our customers, leaseholders and residents.
We provide customers the opportunity to scrutinise our services in several different ways:
Deep Dives:
Purpose of the Group:
Each year our involved customers will undertake a series of in-depth assessments called deep dives. These are customer-led taking place over several sessions. This includes:
- Scoping the Review - Determine the key issues and objectives and identify who you need involvement from within the business.
- Gather & Evaluate the Evidence – Undertake consultations through meetings and workshops. Then consider all the evidence within the context.
- Report and Make Recommendations – Feedback outcomes and discuss conclusions which have been reached.
- Monitor – Review if changes are being implemented.
We are inviting customers to take part in our next Deep Dive exercise on Empty Homes.
As part of this, customers will have the opportunity to inspect properties which are currently empty in their area and provide feedback to the group.
- Thursday 22 August 9am-3pm Houghton Area Office
- Tuesday 27 August 9am-3pm Washington Area Office
To find out more information, please use the below link to register your interest. A member of the Customer Voice Team will then contact you to further discuss.
Task and Finish:
Purpose of the Group:
We invite customers to come into the business and discussed specific topics which will impact them. We then take the feedback received and look at making changes which will positively impact our customers. So far this year, we have held sessions on Anti-Social Behaviour, Customer Welcome Pack, Annual Rent Correspondence, Customer Annual Report. You can find further information on the sessions held below.
The group discuss a range of topical issues. You can find the minutes from the recent discussions below:
The customer annual report (PDF 491KB)
Anti Social Behaviour (PDF 122KB)
Customer compensation (PDF 98KB)
Rent increase communications (PDF 128KB)
Policy Reviews:
Purpose of the Group:
Where a policy will impact our customers, we will invite our involved customers to a session to discuss the proposed changes. We will then seek recommendations to ensure the policy is customer friendly.
Benefits of being in the group:
You will….
- Meet other customers from your communities.
- Help us improve our services for customers.
- Gain new skills and experiences.
How to get involved:
If you're interested in being involved with Gentoo or you'd like more information, please get in touch with the customer engagement team for an informal chat:
- tel: 0191 525 5000