
Get help to manage your money, reduce energy costs, get back into work, improve your wellbeing, furnish your home, and apply for grants for local projects.

Cost-of-living crisis support

Find out what we can do to help you manage your money and get some practical tips to save money and energy.
Find out more about cost-of-living crisis support

Managing your money

Whatever your financial situation, our Money Matters Team will work with you to give you all the support and advice you need.
Find out more about managing your money

Energy costs, energy bills and fuel debt

Our Money Matters Team can offer energy advice that can help you reduce your energy costs and recover from fuel debt.
Find out more about energy costs, energy bills and fuel debt

Supporting you back into work

We can refer you to partner organisations who can give advice, support and training to help you learn new skills and get back into work.
Find out more about supporting you back into work

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and your safety is our priority. Any information you give us is confidential unless we are legally required to report it. We will never tell the person responsible you spoke to us.
Find out more about domestic abuse

Wellbeing support

We offer free wellbeing support, advice and practical help all our customers.
Find out more about wellbeing support

Health and mobility assessments

We assess vulnerable and disabled customers so we can support you in your home.
Find out more about health and mobility assessments

Neighbourhood safety help and support

Find out about the neighbourhood safety help and support we offer including support officers, mediation, acceptable behaviour agreements or contracts, and positive engagement.
Find out more about neighbourhood safety help and support

Supporting young people

We support young people aged 16 to 25 to help them live independently. We offer supported housing, advice and guidance to meet their specific needs.
Find out more about how we support young people aged 16 to 25

Help furnishing your home

We want to help you settle into your home as soon as possible. We work with Newcastle Furniture Service (NFS) so you can rent furniture for your home.
Find out more about furnishing your home

Frauds and scams

People who are trying to defraud or scam you may claim to be our staff or sub-contractors working for us.
Find out more about frauds and scams

Aspire Community Grant Programme

Our Aspire Community Grant Programme supports communities with donations of up to £500. The grants are used to fund activities and volunteer groups.
Find out more about Aspire Community Grant Programme

Empower Sunderland Local Community Fund

The fund grants money to energy and environmental projects in Sunderland that will help the local community.
Find out more about Empower Sunderland Local Community Fund

Help to stop smoking with a free vape

Find out more about the Swap to Stop programme.
Find out more about help to stop smoking with a free vape

Support for veterans

Find out more about support for veterans in Sunderland and how Veterans in Crisis Sunderland can help you.
Support for veterans

Accessing mental health support

Find out more about free mental health support services available in Sunderland.
Mental health support
Accessing mental health support