Paying your rent
You can pay your rent for your home, garage or car parking space by Direct Debit, phone, online, with a rent payment card, or by standing order or bank transfer.

How often you can pay your rent
You can pay your rent every week. Or you can pay in advance every 2 weeks, 4 weeks, or month.
Reference number
To pay your rent, you will need your 9-digit reference number from your rent payment card or rent statement. If you do not know your reference number, contact your Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.
Ways you can pay
You can:
- pay your rent online
- call our telephone payments line on 0161 621 2987, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- set up a Direct Debit
- set up a standing order or pay by bank transfer
- pay with a rent payment card
- use a smartphone app
Direct Debit
To set up a Direct Debit, call our Income Services Team on 0191 525 2765. They are available Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 5pm, and Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm.
Standing order or bank transfer
Our bank details are:
- Bank name: NatWest
- Account number: 67500048
- Sort code: 55 61 11
Use your 9-digit reference number from your rent payment card or rent statement as your payment reference.
Rent payment card
You can use your rent payment card and pay in cash at any Post Office, PayPoint, or where you see the allpay logo.
Smartphone apps
You can:
If you are unable to pay your rent
Call 0191 525 5000 and select option 4.
We will work with you to create a plan to help you pay your rent at a rate you can afford. We may also refer you to our Money Matters Team who can give you advice about different financial support options.