Rent to Buy eligibility
We will check you are eligible for the Rent to Buy home you are interested in. Our checks are to make sure you meet the criteria and can afford your home now and in the future.

Right to rent
You must have the right to rent in England.
At least one member of your household needs to be in paid employment.
Home ownership status
The property must be your only home.
If you do already own a home you could still be eligible in some circumstances - if you’re not living in your home due to relationship breaking down for example. Contact us to find out more.
Income and finances
The rent should be between 25% - 45% of your household income.
You must earn the minimum income required for the home to make sure it’s affordable for you, however there’s no maximum income cap for the scheme.
You can read more information on Rent to Buy, in our Rent to Buy leaflet.