Frauds and scams

People who are trying to defraud or scam you may claim to be our staff or sub-contractors working for us.

Ways to stay safe

Visiting your home

We will always let you know if we are coming to your home to complete any work. This will either be a letter, text message or phone call.

Always ask to see a tradesperson’s identification. Call us on 0191 525 5000 and select option 2 if you would like to confirm someone’s identity.

Our tradespeople and sub-contractors will never ask you for money.

Telephone calls

Never give your details out over the telephone. This includes your:

  • bank details
  • personal information
  • tenancy information

Reporting frauds and scams

If you suspect someone is not from Gentoo or a sub-contractor, do not let them into your home. You can:

If you need urgent support or think you are in danger, you can call the police on 999. You can also register with emergencySMS so you can send text messages to the police.

Possible frauds and scams

People may:

  • offer to check your home for damp
  • offer to check your boiler
  • offer to work on outstanding repairs
  • try to arrange surveys for outstanding repairs
  • ask for images of your home and front door