Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and your safety is our priority. Any information you give us is confidential unless we are legally required to report it. We will never tell the person responsible you spoke to us.

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Reporting domestic abuse

We deal with all claims confidentially and as a priority.

To report domestic abuse, you can:

If you need urgent support or are in an emergency, you can call:

You can also call 0808 2000 247 to speak to the National Domestic Violence Helpline.

Ways we can help

When you report domestic abuse to us, we will:

  • act quickly and compassionately
  • put your safety first
  • make sure you are not in danger
  • offer you support and advice
  • talk with you about your options and what you want to do next
  • work with other organisations to get you the support you need

Find out more about the different types of help and support we provide.

Behaviour classed as domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents where someone’s behaviour is:

  • abusive
  • coercive and controlling, including forced marriage, and being isolated from family and friends
  • threatening
  • violent

The abuse can be from family members or partners and could be:

  • controlling
  • emotional
  • financial
  • physical
  • psychological
  • sexual